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What They’re Saying About Us
'Many congratulations to The Heather Club on receiving the Kings Award for Voluntary Services.
This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication each volunteer puts in. They are not just wonderful individuals, but they also deliver an extraordinary service that brings joy to people like my mother who has found immense pleasure during her time at the club.
This accomplishment is not just remarkable, but a well-deserved acknowledgement of every volunteer’s contribution. Each one of you has played an integral role in earning this recognition and highlights your selfless service and the positive impact you’re making in people’s lives.
'The club gives me as a carer some space to be able to breathe, see my friends, family to be able to do the garden and housework which is impossible when my husband is at home If it wasn’t for the club my health would have deteriorated with a high cost to the NHS.'
'This is an outstanding service that gives to both the client and the carer. The activities are many and varied. Hot lunches are provided and outings in fair weather arranged. The attitude of the staff towards the client is most appropriate, understanding and patient. But most importantly they acknowledge the devastation of dementia. They always give due respect to the clients as individuals and the uniqueness of their being.'
'THC allows me to work again on the days it runs knowing Dad is happy and well stimulated, I can also meet my friends, eat simply and BREATHE- I want to help slow the progression of his Alzheimer’s so the programme at THC reassures me that Dad is in good hands and that I’m making a positive choice for him. Seeing him socialise despite him moving to an area where he knows no one is heart warming, and I feel less pressure to provide a full entertainment programme for him on days he is at THC. After a day at THC he is brighter for days afterwards.'
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